Reconstruction of the fossil skull of Omo Kibish, or Omo I
A new study from the University of Cambridge concluded that fossils more old acquaintances of a human are at least 230,000 years old.
The circle of work is now complete and offers itself to the observer in his absolute understanding from its beginning to its end.
The shift from working in a family survival and non-surplus mode, to the exploratory mode of creating surplus, brought with it the logic of the worker dependent on others, which is obviously known in history as the emergence of the slave and his exploitation of humans by humans.
This logic of working without rights, without salary, without a home, and personal property in a master-slave relationship, where the slave, in exchange for physical labor, receives the bare minimum of survival dictated by their master, who also owns the consumer goods necessary to keep their slave alive as a technological asset for generating surplus.
With the end of the slave, the transition to the creation of the mechanistic worker, both dependent on the production machine and its owner, takes place. The boss and the dialectic of work are born.
This new dependent worker now supports himself and his family, buys food, pays for the house and all the necessary goods that he exponentially produces and is induced to need, having reached the critical point of conversion from worker to consumer of his labor fruit.
Thus, the slave is transformed into a consumer.
The consumption of your own work.
As a kind of autophagy of the environmental system that is being built and that will now change from now on, the nature of human consciousness that has of itself.
The exploitation of humans for the physical and repetitive work of other humans, makes the passage to the exploitation of humans for the material way of life of other humans.
What they consume is the modus operandi of surplus exploitation and not the work they produce.
Dialectics that explain embryonic and post-industrial analogue capitalism are beginning to emerge.
If, on the one hand, the ideal slave creates the imagery of the robot, as a mechanized worker, without a voice and always in accordance with his function.
On the other hand, the ideal worker creates the imagery of the transhuman, as an aimless consumer always in accordance with the programming of the object industry that fertilizes the market.
The robot and the consumer, despite their almost complete dialectic, is still not sustainable for the machine system.
In this system, the production of objects always exceeds the possibilities of the consumer external to it.
Furthermore, mass production of robots is counter to the nature of the financial capitalism system, not only due to scarcity of natural resources and environmental degradation but also due to the increasingly expensive and technologically demanding cost of exploitation.
With the transition from worker to consumer, the transition from industrial capitalism to financial capitalism also occurs.
In the logic of financial capitalism, robots are not scalable in sufficient numbers to replace workers, who number more than billions. On the other hand, the application of robotic technology directly to workers' bodies is scalable and financially overwhelming. Even more so when in symbiosis with the biotechnologies of the pharmaceutical industry.
The next exploration is no longer about humans exploring other humans, but about the machine that supports the financialization of consumption, no longer through the production/consumption binary, but through the profitability created by the new physical body of the consumer, who ceases to be a consumer of products and starts "consuming" their own body at the pace of the upgradings inherent in biotechnological and biomechanical cycles, in a constant exponential acceleration of financial logic. More is better, better is progress, progress is evolution, and evolution is unquestionable.
Social “life style” self-extinguishes to give way to the transhuman that absorbs the robotics and pharmaceutical industries in a circular symbiosis similar to slave and consumer.
The slave is completed in the transhuman.
In the fullness of the circularity's end, everything becomes inverted.
The transhuman is voluntarily not the owner of their body, not due to repression but due to well-being and security.
They will be sustained by others but not to work.
Its function is the constant technological updating of the body that will never allow its biological autonomy to live in a biotechnological dependence given the financial profitability that is extracted by the new masters.
The transhuman is the slave robot consumer of themselves who works only for the production of their well-being and happiness in an environment created by their ancestral mechanistic workers.
"This logic of working without rights, without salary, without a home, and personal property in a master-slave relationship, where the slave, in exchange for physical labor, receives the bare minimum of survival dictated by their master, who also owns the consumer goods necessary to keep their slave alive as a technological asset for generating surplus."
Hoje em dia Eles - os donos dos escravos - evoluíram! Aprenderam que nem sequer precisam de se chatear a fornecer os bens aos escravos. Nesta nova e maravilhosas escravatura moderna os escravos têm "direitos" (eu prefiro usar a palavra privilégios), têm salários, têm a senzala e têm propriedades... Mas na realidade não têm nada pois se não se escravizarem ficam sem nada!
Aparentemente estamos muito distantes de uma REVOLTA a sério contra a escravatura moderna...
Who will be the owner of your avatar's biotechnology?
Indeed, a viable and vital question to ask.