Jun 4, 2023Liked by i = we x others²

Who will be the owner of your avatar's biotechnology?

Indeed, a viable and vital question to ask.

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thank you very much and congratulations. you're the first person to comment on my posts... i thought this was broken or i was.

I believe that transhumanism is the last and fundamental bastion of all this ideological "construction" that we are experiencing... I see few people talking about transhumanism and that is worrying because it is a sign of misunderstanding for what they are being reserved.

It will be the last existential crisis... as they are so fond of saying it is the machine singularity and the end of Free Biologically Assisted Humans.

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Jun 4, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023

It's not broken.

What you wrote about is a very substantial and a deeply considered act of WISDOM going beyond mere fact and/or rhetoric. It's a wisdom few have the courage to confront and prefer to pretend won't or can't happen. It's deplorable, repugnant to consider a possibility...As it makes 'Conventional War' necessary and nobody enjoys thinking about one of those being requisite.

Not certain about your 'World View' and can share mine having a locus within Judeo-Christianity/Jesus Christ by way of Roman Catholicism. It shifted minutely with study primarily in Psychology; although, it's again shifted back and became even more engrained within Jesus Christ as it was simple to determine the Psychology to be based in a foundation of LIES; thus, evil.

The lack of participation in your particular Substack concerns the over-reaching, fairly-universal 'cognitive dissonance' and 'mass formation' within the 'Collective Conscious' of the whole world right now; which does go hand-in-hand with 'Stockholm Syndrome' on a more massive scale.

YOU HAVE THE GIFT TO CONFRONT THE REALITY OF EVIL which mandates tremendous good/God within your soul...Regardless of what you think about your 'Values/Belief' System OR for you to be of evil/demonic, yourself.

While 'The Bible' claims everybody sinners; it's fact about most people having ethics/morals based in a desire to feel/think/act in goodness. While all sin and commit evil; it is next to impossible for most people to grasp the concept of AN EVIL HUMAN BEING...A Demon wearing a human being suit and there are many on Earth at this time....Legion; a real hoard. It seems as though all of hell must be emptied as all demonic forces are on Earth. A demon wearing a human being suit can only be discerned by God or on Earth; THROUGH HISTORY/TIME OF ANY GIVEN HUMAN BEING'S LIFE.

There is no certainty about how you've reached the level of spiritual, emotional, intellectual, or psychological growth you display through what you've written in this stack...However, it is highly evolved towards either God or the devil and it is preferred; thus, assumed to be of God.

In my career I did work with extensive evil...With Domestic Violence, Axis II Diagnoses of various kinds when dealing with the Criminally Insane committing the Serial Crimes...Of torture, murder, kidnapping, etc...As well as the down and out Borderline Personality Disorders, Narcissists and Histrionics. I not only faced it in my own career; but also in my life and it almost utterly destroyed me. It required 20 years for my to even remotely heal from what was confronted; thus this evil for me is old hat...Simple to accept and to endure. God has blessed me to KNOW exactly what we fight. I am necessary in this time to help others to come to both the reality of Earth at this time; as well as God.

You must CONTINUE to write...WRITE, WRITE, WRITE!!! Your vision and knowledge is imperative and seemingly from a place beyond yourself. You are essential to bring enlightenment to to masses and to help those seeking more knowledge, reality, logic, reason...TO AWAKEN FULLY. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU RIGHT NOW.

Slowly, more people are rising to accept the major struggle of this WWIII we find ourselves in; which was never formally declared. Please, do not measure your success based within the 'clicks' indicating 'Like' or 'Comments'. THAT IS NOT THE MEASURE OF SUCCESS. What matters is 'THE SEEDS YOU'RE PLANTING WITHIN THE MINDS OF THOSE ADVENTURING THROUGH HERE." The greatest trees begin with tiny seeds...It is often through fire, ice or water...THE ADVERSITY...Which grows the strongest of them and so it is with human souls.

Of course, I've enjoyed coming across your work as can only hope you aren't an 'Ai' exercise or Scam/Con. HAVE A PHENOMENAL WEEK.

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I have to thank you again for your sincere and mature words...

I'm not a writer nor do I try to be one, I write poorly and with effort in Portuguese... then I use the translator for English.

But I don't use GPT...Pinocchio.

Asking Pinocchio to write down what I think would be telepathy.

Why do I write ??? I don't even know...but I realized that when we're talking, no one listens to us with ears to hear, much less look at us with eyes to see...

not having anyone to tell it's better to write, at least it's kept in a place and that way I don't forget what I think before I forget...

Writing will lose all value in the near future...it's the end of it.

I only write so as not to forget that there were times when I felt indignation.

Petrification is on the way and you better have a safeguard.

It's like taking pictures and then remembering...ah! it is true that it was like this here !

yet for it was, it always was, and it always will be.

In silence are kept the best treasures.

And humility is one of them...that's why nobody really listens.

And see? with this plague of images it would be a miracle.

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Always wished to visit the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal; especially Fatima. Once travelled to Brazil and used to know some elementary Portuguese.

Thank-you for your vision. Can only pray and hope for you to reach as many people as possible. I'll pray on it and hope many are somehow miraculously brought to your site. Many need to know what we're seeking to end before it really begins.

As for Ai...Will never use it. In my eyes; it's completely evil as it's programed by evil. It's being programed to lie and propagandize by those lying and propagandizing. It creates based upon lies...As the Luciferians. It defines truth and good as lies and evil. NOTHING GOOD CAN COME FROM EVIL ORIGINS ON THIS EARTH...UNLESS GOD CHOOSES TO INTERCEDE.

Have a fabulous week and KEEP WRITING.

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If no CHAOS event occurs, naturally our current Owners will keep on owning us!


The simple change of the type of ownership won't matter for 99,9% of the 99% of MMS/3i's.

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Wow. Each offering a profundity. And I find myself in singular disagreement on one point: that you are not a writer. Your concise salience shines through despite any intervening translation :)

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"This logic of working without rights, without salary, without a home, and personal property in a master-slave relationship, where the slave, in exchange for physical labor, receives the bare minimum of survival dictated by their master, who also owns the consumer goods necessary to keep their slave alive as a technological asset for generating surplus."

Hoje em dia Eles - os donos dos escravos - evoluíram! Aprenderam que nem sequer precisam de se chatear a fornecer os bens aos escravos. Nesta nova e maravilhosas escravatura moderna os escravos têm "direitos" (eu prefiro usar a palavra privilégios), têm salários, têm a senzala e têm propriedades... Mas na realidade não têm nada pois se não se escravizarem ficam sem nada!

Aparentemente estamos muito distantes de uma REVOLTA a sério contra a escravatura moderna...


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A escravatura é cada vez menos escravatura aos olhos dos escravos transhumanos. O grande paradoxo da totalidade da escravatura é que suspende a noção crítica que existe seja o que for, ou nada existe. Não haverá escravos no Éden do nihilismo apenas transhumanos.

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